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Online Psychologist Ana Carolina Mainetti



CRP 08/17342

Psychologist Ana Carolina


Terapia em


individual therapy
couple therapy
Como funciona
  • How it works?
    The therapy takes place via video call on the computer or cell phone. Each session lasts 50 minutes, the amount is R$280 and payment is by credit card, PIX or bank slip. After the first session, it is possible to subscribe to the monthly plan subscription. There are 4 sessions, with a 10% discount, with the total price of the package: R$ 1008.
  • Como agendar
    Você pode fazer o agendamento eletrônico sozinho, acessando meu consultório virtual que fica hospedado na plataforma de terapia online Zenklub. (veja o passo a passo abaixo). Deste modo, você escolhe o horário na agenda eletrônica, realiza o pagamento e o sistema me avisará que você agendou. Nos encontraremos na videochamada no horário marcado! Ou pode me escrever no Whats App para eu ajudar no agendamento!
  • Step by step to schedule
    1. Click here in my virtual office, on the Zenklub platform< /p> 2. Choose a time on the agenda (it is already converted to your time zone) 3. Choose a login and password to create your account 4. Pay for the session 5. Ready! Your session is scheduled and the system will notify me! 6. Close to the scheduled time, in the "Sessions" menu, there will be a button to join the video call. Note: you can do it through the website on your computer or through the Zenklub app on your cell phone.
  • What is Zenklub?
    It is a platform specialized in online therapy, where my virtual office is located. Scheduling, payment and video call session happen at Zenklub, via the website on your computer or via the app on your cell phone. This way the whole process is virtual, practical and safe!
  • Which psychological approach used?
    I am always studying various approaches and I use the one that will benefit you the most. The ones I use the most are: psychoanalysis, systemic therapy and CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy).
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Registro no Conselho Regional de Psicologia: CRP 08/17342

Autorizada para atendimento online

Cadastro e-Psi: 43712

Sobre mim

Tenho 49 anos, brasileira, nascida em Curitiba-PR. Sou terapeuta há 17 anos, psicóloga há 13 e realizo terapia online desde 2017.

Ao longo desse tempo, ajudei pessoas de diversas idades, partes do mundo e estilos de vida.


Gosto muito de estudar e me manter atualizada sobre as tendências na área da Psicologia e Psicanálise.


Sou especialista em Psicologia Clínica e tenho 8 pós-graduações:

  • Psicanálise

  • Neuropsicologia

  • Terapia Cognitivo-Comportamental (TCC)

  • Psicossomática

  • Terapia Sistêmica

  • Terapia de Casal

  • Sexualidade

  • Psicopedagogia


Conheça o meu currículo completo aqui.


I am very satisfied with the work Ana has done with me. She is a very ethical, empathetic professional and offers me the support I need to understand my challenges. In her genuine and welcoming way, she listens to me and offers perspectives on my doubts and problems. I have grown so much personally since starting therapy with Ana in six weeks I have seen a lot of progress on my journey. I recommend and thank you for your time and dedication.


Wise words I needed to hear.


Ana is an excellent psychologist, conveys a lot of security, tranquility, professionalism, listens actively, always presenting great suggestions and reflections on the subjects addressed.


Anna helped me a lot! I always had a lot of problems with shyness and suffered from some insecurities, after a few conversations I was able to look at things differently and take action on these points.


Ana is one of the best professionals I've ever met. It made my husband and I communicate better and helped us to look at each other with more empathy. Thanks so much for the impeccable work!


Ana is excellent, she makes me feel at ease, she has a very coherent and serene speech. It brings important points for reflection. I identified a lot with her way of questioning and showing solutions.


Very professional and is helping me and my wife a lot to solve our problems.


Very dear, it makes me see situations in my life that I had not thought of before. It helps me with grief and self-esteem. I am so grateful to have found her!


Ana is an incredible professional! Extremely empathetic and assertive in her questions and welcome. I am very grateful to have found her and, I can say without a doubt, that I am a much calmer and happier person after starting the therapeutic process!


I couldn't have hoped for better help than Dr Ana Carolina. From the beginning, she helped me to understand my conflicts and how to better analyze the situations that brought me anxiety. All work is done very calmly and professionally. 100% recommend!


My journey of self-discovery with Ana was very special. Always very attentive and professional, she helped me navigate a difficult professional moment with her timely and lasting insights.


I only did two sessions and it was amazing to see how a prepared professional knows how to listen and ask the right questions, extract what she needs to understand the situation and give guidance. Wonderful!


Sobre mim
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